Tips for Fixing Cracked or Damaged Window Glass

Cracked, damaged,͏ and defective͏ glass allows draughts, ͏dust, and humidity into the home. Homeowners with damaged glass͏ should seek immediate window glass repair to fix and prevent these ͏problems. Here are some signs that your glass requires repair:

Clouded͏ Glass

Window glass becomes cloudy ͏when condensation leaks through the͏ frame between the layers of glass. Clouded windows lose transparency, meaning it can block the regular flow of natural light. Foggy windows could also indicate that the ͏seal around the glass has become compromised or broken. Worn-out and damaged seals do not provide effective insulation and͏ make it more difficult to regulate your home’s temperature.͏

Double and triple-pane windows provide effective thermal insulation thanks to the gas sealed between the panes. If these windows start to fog up, it’s a sign that the inert gas has leaked out. This happens when there is a break or cracks in th͏e͏ seal that separates the panes. Call a ͏window glass repair technician to replace damaged double and triple pane͏ glass.

Condensation and Energy Efficiency

Excessive condensation on your window glass signals a broken seal between the pane and the frame. This seal can fail due to prolonged exposure to sunlight, leading to expansion or excessive drying. Gradual condensation over a long time may result i͏n͏ water damage in wooden or metallic frames͏.͏ If you notice any moisture inside your window, schedule a technician to come assess the damage. 

Damaged and cracked glass could diminish the insulating features ͏of window glass. If your window is damaged, it can hold in heat or let it escape your house, which will affect your heating and cooling systems. This problem could be made worse by having cold draughts leaking through chipped sections͏ of your window or frame.

Warped ͏or Loose Glass

Difficulty in ͏opening ͏your windows ma͏y signal that there is a problem with ͏either the ͏frame ͏or the glass. ͏Check to͏ see if the frame has bent over time͏ or ͏hinges need͏ ͏lubrication. If not, then the cause may be warped glass. Window warping occurs when the glass ͏expands͏ and͏ contracts continuously. This happens due to ͏sudden changes in ͏temperature during extreme weather seasons like summer and winter. These temperature ͏changes compromise͏ the ͏strength of t͏he ͏seal which holds the glass in the frame, making it loose and prone to falling. 

Cracks, scratches͏, and other ͏damages ͏affect the ͏aesthetic appearance of͏ your ͏windows and show that the ͏glass is not structurally sound.͏ Barely visible cracks may͏ expand͏ over time and affect ͏the long-term durability of͏ th͏e window glass. The cracks ͏also make the window glass more vulnerable to ͏breaks too much pressure from inside the home or heavy winds or a storm from the exterior.

Contact a͏ Window Glass Repair Service

Window glass repair services have ͏th͏e experience, knowledge, and tools to safely remove ͏damaged glass and install new panes. They also have knowledge of which double and triple pane glass suppliers ͏offer durable and energy efficient ͏glass products. Contact a gl͏ass repair service today ͏to refurbish damaged and cracked window glass.